гр. Плевен064 801 500, 0889 208 231, vasima@abv.bg

Door closers

Door closers

  • widely used In places where a lot of people are going through and the door must stay closed but could be used just as well at home. A variety of models for every situation
  • devices that mount on the door and make sure it stays closed
    when choosing a door closer it is important to know the width of the door, the weight and the intensity of the intended use and also what weather conditions will be applied
  • the price is determined by the different capabilities and functions of the door closer
  • a variety of models for every situation – scissor type, with or without hold
  • easy opening and closing
  • reliable, comfortable and visually pleasing
  • white, brown and silver
  • some models upper door closer
  • regulate speed and force of closing




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